Looking for cannabis dispensaries in NH? The residents of New Hampshire may not have access to adult-use cannabis in the state just yet, but a few medical dispensaries are available. Here’s a closer look at the weed laws in the Granite State, as well as where you can buy weed in NH and just across the border in Massachusetts.
So, is Cannabis Legal in NH?
As confusing as it may sound, yes and no. Even though New Hampshire finally pushed legal medical cannabis through legislation in 2013, the state’s medical-marijuana program is considered one of the strictest in the country. As far as recreational weed, there’s been some major lag with adult-use cannabis over the last several years. As of February 2022, a bill to legalize recreational marijuana was on its way through the approval process in the NH House, but with unique stipulations like no other state.
Where To Buy Legal Cannabis Near NH
Even though you can’t buy legal cannabis just yet, you can travel to neighboring states to other dispensaries near NH. Uma Flowers, for example, is the closest recreational dispensary near New Hampshire – under 15 minutes away. For this reason, NH residents frequently travel to Massachusetts to purchase cannabis. Keep in mind, it is still illegal to travel across state lines with cannabis, even if it is purchased at a legal dispensary. Therefore, you may want to make plans to stay in NH while you use your weed.
A Look at Medical Cannabis in NH
The Therapeutic Cannabis Program in NH is overseen by the state’s Department of Health and Human Services. Patients with a qualifying condition who are 18 or older can apply after receiving a Written Certification for therapeutic cannabis use from a qualified medical professional. The applying patient must have an established provider/patient relationship with the medical professional making the recommendation, and the qualifying conditions list is pretty restrictive.
NH residents may qualify for medical cannabis use if they have certain severely debilitating or terminal illnesses or treatment for those illnesses has led to other debilitating symptoms. Some of the recognized conditions in NH include:
- Traumatic brain injury
- Lupus
- Cancer
- Chronic pancreatitis
- Hepatitis C
- Multiple sclerosis
- Glaucoma
- Spinal cord injury or disease
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Moderate to severe insomnia
- Autism spectrum disorder
Where To Buy Medical Cannabis in NH
Medical dispensaries in NH are a little harder to come by than in some other states. There are three primary Alternative Treatment Centers (ATCs) with dispensaries in a few different locations, including:
- Temescal Wellness in Dover, Lebanon, and Keene
- Prime ATC of NH in Merrimack and Chichester
- Sanctuary ATC in Plymouth and Conway
Initially, NH medical marijuana patients could only shop at the dispensary they were registered with. However, as of September 2021, patients can visit any dispensary in the state to purchase their weed.
A Look at Recreational Cannabis in NH
The initial vote to pass legal recreational weed in NH happened in 2014, but a series of setbacks have slowed the process over the last several years. The original bill never fully progressed. In 2017, NH decriminalized small quantity possession of cannabis, so people could possess up to three-quarters of an ounce without facing jail time.
The latest efforts to get NH fully legal have come with a unique proposal: the state would own and operate the marijuana shops in the state. Even though the initial bill passed through the House of Representatives in NH, it faces more tweaking in the committee. Therefore, NH dispensaries for adult use may still be far in the future.
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She is the author of Vitamin Weed, Kratom is Medicine, CBD Oil For Health, Train Your Brain To Get Thin, and Journal Yourself To Health.