There are several types of counseling available to help people overcome depression. These include Interpersonal, Psychodynamic, Cognitive Behavioral, and Family Therapy. Some people prefer to work with a counselor, similar to Elevated Counseling, while others may be more comfortable with medication. Regardless of the type of therapy you choose, it can be helpful to have someone you can talk to about your feelings and condition.
Interpersonal Therapy
Interpersonal therapy focuses on identifying what causes your depression and equipping you with the skills to cope with difficult emotions. It also teaches you ways to interact with others and meet your emotional needs. The process is often referred to as psychotherapy and can be effective for mild to moderate depression. However, it is important to note that therapy will only work for you if you are fully involved. This will require time, effort, and regularity.
Interpersonal therapy involves weekly sessions lasting one hour. The sessions typically last 12 to 16 weeks, but they can be extended to four or six additional sessions if needed. The goal of the therapy is to help you learn new coping skills that become automatic and habitual.
Psychodynamic Therapy
Psychodynamic therapy focuses on the way your unconscious mind works. It involves examining your feelings, memories, and beliefs and allowing you to explore them. It can also help you work through your dreams and fantasies. This type of therapy can be combined with other forms of therapy. Its main goal is to help you understand and ease your symptoms.
Psychodynamic therapy works on the idea that the content of your subconscious mind affects your well-being. For example, a traumatic event from your past can affect your present mental health, making it essential to resolve past issues if you want to maintain a strong emotional state in the present. Psychodynamic therapy was developed to treat people who suffered from “neuroses,” but today, it’s more commonly used to treat depression and anxiety disorders.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has been shown to help people recover from depression. It involves working together to retrain the mind to think happier and replace negative thoughts with healthier ones. It also involves completing work outside therapy sessions to reinforce new thinking patterns. While CBT is not for everyone, it can be a powerful treatment option.
CBT is an effective treatment for major depression. It can help people with mild to moderate depression and can be an excellent option when combined with medication. It is ineffective in treating severe depression, but it can often cure the problem.
Family Therapy
Family therapy is one way to heal from depression. Depending on the nature of the problem, family therapy may focus on the individual’s unique needs or on the family’s unique dynamics. While all family therapists use similar goals, they have different strategies and techniques. Contemporary family therapy is a hybrid approach that blends these approaches.
Family therapy focuses on educating the family about depression and its symptoms and repairing relationships affected by the condition. Family members also work on developing skills for expressing their concerns, learning how to support the suffering member, and supporting a healthy family structure.
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She is the author of Vitamin Weed, Kratom is Medicine, CBD Oil For Health, Train Your Brain To Get Thin, and Journal Yourself To Health.